
Why Is It Important to Use a Professional Interpreter?

A Professional Interpreter is Highly Skilled, Trained and Experienced: Professional interpreters are utilized in every facet of our society. They are relied on to break down linguistic and cultural barriers in order to facilitate communication between individuals who do not speak the same language. An interpreter’s understanding of the languages they speak should be comparable…


Communicating With Clients Through an Interpreter

An Interpreter is an Invaluable Resource When Language Barriers Are Present: Interacting with professional interpreters is a given in this day and age. Whether it be on-site interpretation, telephone interpretation or video remote interpreting (VRI), it’s important to take into account the best practices associated with communicating through an interpreter. The following is a breakdown…

telephonic interpretation

Telephonic Interpretation Services

Telephonic Interpretation Services Are a Convenient Language Solution for Everyday Utilization: What happens when you’re in need of an interpreter, but the conversation that needs to take place doesn’t necessarily require an on-site interpretation session? You utilize professional telephonic interpretation services instead.  Perhaps a nurse needs to collect a small amount of information to add…


Document Translation Services

Translation Makes the World Go Round: Documents, printed or electronic, are used in any and every place you can think of, literally. Healthcare facilities, insurance companies, legal offices, educational organizations, to name a few, all heavily rely on documents in order to facilitate information. According to the Census Bureau, there are over 350 languages spoken…


Poor Translation Can Damage Your Reputation

Translation, Sacrificing Value for Price: Translation is a vital service that is commonly used in order to break down language barriers faced in our diverse communities. Sacrificing value for price can be detrimental to your reputation and create unnecessary confusion and misunderstandings. When you’re providing limited English proficient (LEP) individuals with information that is translated…


Working With an Interpreter 101

An Interpreter is an Invaluable Member of Our Modern Diversified Communities: Utilizing the services provided by a professional interpreter has become commonplace within our diverse society. The invaluable resource that is interpretation, grants limited English proficient (LEP) individuals equal access to mainstream American services. Medical, legal, educational and governmental services are becoming more and more…