An Interpreter is an Invaluable Member of Our Modern Diversified Communities:
Utilizing the services provided by a professional interpreter has become commonplace within our diverse society. The invaluable resource that is interpretation, grants limited English proficient (LEP) individuals equal access to mainstream American services. Medical, legal, educational and governmental services are becoming more and more accessible to LEP individuals due to the bridge that interpreters provide to shut down language barriers. Professional interpretation services eliminate language barriers that drastically interfere with communication and cause misunderstandings, and potentially negative situations, to occur. It may sound drastic, but language barriers have the capability of putting lives in danger. Understanding the gravity of language barriers allows buyers of language services to ensure communication with LEP individuals is accurate and concise during every interaction.
Prior to the Interpretation Session:
Before the session, it’s important that you choose an interpretation service that’s best suited to your needs. There are a variety of services available such as on-site interpretation, telephone interpretation and video remote interpreting (VRI). Each service accurately and effectively breaks down language barriers and allows communication to take place. These services can be acquired through a language service company (LSC). Your LSC will partner your project with the interpreter who best fits your language needs. They will have the skills and experience needed to breakdown the language barriers you’re facing. If there is any paperwork or information that needs to be given to the interpreter, please make sure to do so before the interpretation session begins.
During the Interpretation Session:
When engaged in an interpretation session make sure you speak at a regular pace and tone so the interpreter can correctly convey what you’re saying. Avoid any jargon, industry talk or overly complicated ways of explaining information, keep it simple and concise. Speak directly to the LEP individual, they are the one you’re having a conversation with, the interpreter is only there to serve as a medium to breakdown the language barrier.
Do not ask the interpreter for their opinion or carry on side conversations with the interpreter. Again they are there only to interpret, any side conversations can confuse the LEP individual or even make them feel uncomfortable. Everything you say will be interpreted, so make sure you only say what you intend the LEP person to hear. One other aspect to take into consideration is body language and facial expressions. Be conscious of how you’re portraying yourself, even if a person cannot understand the language you speak, they can still understand your body language and facial expressions, so keep it professional.
Access An Interpreter Through Niki’s Int’l Ltd.:
Niki’s Int’l Ltd. is a LSC with over 20 years of experience in the language service industry. Their network of highly skilled and experienced interpreters fully understands the important role they play in allowing communication to take place between people who do not speak the same language. If you’re in need of a professional interpreter, contact Niki’s Int’l Ltd. and follow these simple pointers to ensure that you’ll receive a successful interpretation session.
Niki’s Int’l Ltd. is a WBENC-Certified Women Business Enterprise with 20 years of language service experience. A global network of highly skilled interpreters and translators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for on-site, telephonic and video remote interpretation services. Our linguists are available in over 350 languages and dialects, and our network includes certified interpreters and translators. Our work is guaranteed with a $1 Million Errors & Omissions policy so that you can be confident that your project will be completed with the highest level of quality and professionalism within the field. For more information contact us at 1-877-567-8449 or visit our website at