
Have you thought about hiring an interpreter to help with your communication? Whether for a court case or a personal matter, having a certified legal interpreter is almost always a better option for you than hiring just anyone who “speaks the language” to handle the process. When it comes to chatting with friends on the side of the street, you may not need every word to be interpreted perfectly. However, in most legal situations, you need a well qualified professional to handle the interpretation for you.

What Does Legal Certification of an Interpreter Really Mean?
A good way to make the decision whether or not to hire a certified interpreter is simply to consider what certification means. In short, it means that the person has been tested by a recognized and clearly defined method to ensure that he or she offers the very best communication and translation for you. The interpreter has demonstrated a minimum threshold of competence in the tested area. Not only is it important to know that the person is certified but also who did the certification. For legal interpreters in the United States, certification is conducted independently in each state and the criteria are determined by the National Center for State Courts’ department of Language Access. Interpreters may become certified in each state they intend to work, or may certify in just their home state; the certification is nationally recognized. A second level of legal certification is Federal Certification, which is conducted by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Federal Certification is the highest level of legal certification for interpreters in the United States.

There are plenty of reasons why you may want to hire a certified legal interpreter to help you with interpretation. Not every interpreter who works in the legal system is certified, there are many good interpreters with years of legal experience. However, when you hire a certified interpreter to handle your communication, you will gain the peace of mind of knowing that this professional is going to be 100% accurate and has experience with a vast array of legal terminology. That’s critically important in many situations.

For information about certified interpreters in over 350 languages, please call Niki’s Int’l Ltd. at 1-877-567-8449 or visit us at

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