Sign Language and the Deaf Community:
To the hearing, the word deaf is an audiological condition that renders a person unable to hear, the person can either be partially lacking or completely deprived of their sense of hearing. However to an individual who is a part of the Deaf community, the word means much more; Deaf culture is an overall set of behaviors, social beliefs and norms, historical events, values and languages that are all comprised in order to help form the Deaf community and culture that resides within. Many deaf individuals view their deafness as a difference or uniqueness to be embraced as opposed to a disability, and they take pride in their culture and identity as a member of a minority group. Sign language is a form of manual communication that is central to Deaf culture. There are various sign languages unique to each country or region which are in most cases not mutually intelligible to one another. According to The History of American Sign Language (ASL), ASL is a complex language comprised of hand gestures, body language and facial expressions which are all tactics used to aid this specific form of communication, which is a primary language in America. ASL and many other forms of sign language are used to allow deaf individuals the ability to effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings to one another as well as to the hearing world.
The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) has worked tirelessly to help in providing the Deaf community equal access and equal opportunities to healthcare, justice, education, employment and even the right to operate a motor vehicle. Civil rights laws such as the The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), prohibits instances of discrimination. This means that covered facilities and businesses are legally required to provide an individual who is deaf with accommodations such as access to a sign language interpreter in various settings, mainly medical or legal environments when needed. For medical instances, it is imperative that doctors, nurses, dentists, specialists, therapists, and other health care providers are able to effectively communicate with a patient despite a language barrier in order to provide proper treatment. Providing the Deaf community with access to sign language interpretation solutions such as video remote interpretation (VRI) can help with breaking down language barriers that separate the deaf and hearing and allow us to effectively communicate with one another.
Video Remote Interpretation (VRI), Provides Meaningful Access to the Deaf Community:
Often times, time constraints or remote locations can be prohibitive to an on-site interpretation session. Technology has now provided a solution that can effectively facilitate communication between the deaf and hearing via computer, tablet or smartphone device. In our modern technologically driven society, the Deaf community heavily relies on video communication relay in order to have telephone conversations; now everyday appointments and interactions can be made easier with the incorporation of the same technology that will enable video remote interpretation services to be provided. Video remote interpretation is a video telecommunication service that utilizes a sophisticated web-based platform to provide sign language or spoken language interpreting services to individuals despite your location or the language which you need interpreted.
Video remote interpretation is a vital language solution when it comes to providing sign language interpretation. This service allows all parties involved the ability to see one another, which is a prevalent factor in any sign language communication and this can all be done without the interpreter having to be physically present. VRI allows sign language interpreters and deaf individuals the ability to see facial expressions, body language, hand gestures and physical tendencies which are all major factors in understanding sign language. Did you know it is actually considered rude to look at a person hands while they are signing? The proper etiquette is to look at the person’s face because although they are signing with their hands, facial expressions displayed during conversation play a dominate role in understanding and communicating in sign language.
If you own a business, run a healthcare facility or interact in a professional manner with the Deaf community, it is important to partner with a prominent language service provider such as Niki’s Int’l Ltd. They provide video remote interpretation services through a user-friendly online portal where their clients can access VRI sessions for on-demand or pre-scheduled appointments. VRI facilitates communication remotely and is often used as an on-demand service; Niki’s Int’l Ltd. understands the urgency that is sometimes associated with finding and using an interpreter and guarantees that their video remote interpreters are available to connect with you in five minutes or less. Niki’s Int’l Ltd. is dedicated to quality and professionalism to ensure that their clients experience seamless communication with their interpreting services.
Video Remote Interpretation Can be Used For the Following:
- Various Medical Appointments (Hospitals, Doctor’s Offices, Mental Health Settings)
- Emergency Room Situations
- Job Interviews or Training Sessions
- Human Resource Meetings
- Departure or On-Boarding Meetings
- Legal Interactions, Court Appearances, Legal Proceedings
- Parent/Teacher Conferences, Higher Education Admissions
- Counseling Sessions
- Police Questioning, Bond Review and Reduction, Magistrate Meetings
- Business Meetings or Conferences
- Staff Meetings
- Financial Advisory Sessions
Providing language services such as VRI can help you comply with the law and provide endless communication opportunities and positive interactions in many different settings for the Deaf community. The Deaf community deserves to have the same rights available to them that are available to the hearing and in many cases offering access to a sign language interpreter through the use of video remote interpretation can do just that. It is vital in any appointment, meeting or exchange of information that one understand what’s being said to them, this is a curtsy that should be extend to all citizens despite any existing language barrier. The impact of video remote interpretation services on the Deaf community as a whole has helped to facilitate the interactions between the deaf and hearing in various settings, thus uniting the two cultures through the art of communication and interpretation.
Niki’s Int’l Ltd. is a WBENC-Certified Women Business Enterprise with 20 years of language service experience. A global network of highly skilled interpreters and translators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for on-site, telephonic and video remote interpretation services. Our linguists are available in over 350 languages and dialects, and our network includes certified interpreters and translators. Our work is guaranteed with a $1 Million Errors & Omissions policy, so that you can be confident that your project will be completed with the highest level of quality and professionalism within the field. For more information contact us at 1-877-567-8449 or visit our website at