So You Want to Go Global? Language Services Can Help!
You had an amazing idea that grew into a profitable business and now you’re contemplating going global. Properly conducting business overseas defines your status amongst an international audience, increases sales and profit margin, creates jobs and offers a very valuable way for business owners to level seasonal fluctuations. With all this to gain, it’s important you develop an international business plan that includes the aid of language services, in order to define your goals and measure your results. When planning to deploy your products or services to a foreign target market, it’s critical you figure out how to reach your audience, this is the first step that should be taken before crossing borders. It’s also very important for you to allow your marketing message to resonate in the hearts of the individuals you’re targeting in order to create a connection to your brand, thus prompting and securing the sale.
Surprisingly enough, all this can be accomplished through partnering with a reputable language service provider. Language services can aid you in your international expansion endeavors and allow you to remove cultural and linguistic barriers that can ultimately be the downfall of your brand debut in another country. Your goal should be to enter a different culture, adapt to it and make it your own. Each country and culture has its own unique nuances that create the “way of life” in that region. Understanding and adapting your marketing to the customs and cultures of the consumers your target nation, can create a trust and acceptance of your brand in a foreign land.
Language services such as website localization and transcreation can be very beneficial for your company to invest in when going global. Partnering with a language service provider can help your business reach a multitude of international clients, prevent costly localization and transcreation mistakes and potential embarrassment. Language services can also aid in developing foreign alliances and partnerships as well as help in growing your business’s shareholder value. Language is a critical factor in a decision to purchase a product or service, so show your target market that you’re devoted to accommodating them in order to gain their trust and business through providing information on your brand in a language they can understand.
Website Localization, The First Step:
Thanks to the instant connection the internet provides, having your website localized is the easiest and quickest way to begin your brand interaction with the foreign audience you’re targeting. People in every country can have access to your products and services simply by visiting your website. If there is a specific target market you’re after, it’s best to cater to that language and culture online through a professionally localized website. Website localization is the process of adapting the content of your website including text, photography, branding and design to local audiences. Transcreating your brand’s marketing materials to cater to specific clients allows them to know that you’re aware of their local history, language particularities, culture, customs, trends and traditions prevalent in that region. Knowing your target market and appealing to them through these aspects only gains their trust and allows them to feel comfortable with their purchases through your business. 89% of internet users are outside of the United States, which means there is an abundance of people not being reached that could potentially be converted into clients and/or sales by localizing your website. In 2015 statistics showed that China makes up about 30% of internet users, however only 2.8% of all internet content is in a form of Chinese. Being aware and acting on this gold mine of an opportunity outside your domestic markets can help your business skyrocket and gain more customers than you could have ever imagined.
Making the effort to communicate with your target market in their native tongue allows them to know you’re willing to accommodate them in order to win their business. People want a simple and easy experience online and providing them with the option to read your site in a language they understand can convert shoppers into buying and returning customers. It’s always important to make a good impression and your online presence is often the first impression your business has overseas. If people have a hassle free experience on your site, they are more likely to return, refer coworkers, and organically provide word of mouth marketing to other potential customers. “Can’t Read Won’t Buy,” is an interesting article describing how a lack of language understanding can really steer potential customers away from making purchases on your site. People simply prefer to shop online in their own language. “The Business and Consumer Sides of Localization,” displays the impact that localization has on all spectrums of global expansion in regards to a business.
Now It’s Time to Transcreate:
Once your website is localized the next language service you should acquire is transcreation. Sometimes called creative translation, transcreation is a language service that aims to adapt a marketing message from one language into another. The process involves more creativity than localization and there is no obligation to stay linguistically faithful to the source text. Maintaining the true intent, style, tone and context is the overall goal in transcreation, you want to convey the message in a new language without losing the intended meaning. Evoking emotions through advertising is how the population is prompted to make purchases, however cultural and linguistic differences play a large role in how we perceive emotion. Through the process of transcreation, words, meanings, idioms and cultural nuances are taken into account in order to ensure that nothing is taken out of context in your marketing campaign. Transcreation goes beyond localization by adapting the images and meaning in such a way that your audience receives the original creative and emotional intent of the message exactly as it was intended in the source language.
“Transcreation of your Brand Content Can Maximize your Investment,” breaks down the fundamentals of transcreation and shows you the ROI the language service can actually help you attain when marketing to an international audience. Through the use of transcreation, you can create a global advertising campaign that will transcend the boundaries of culture and language, penetrate an international market, increase revenue, expand brands and gain a larger and broader customer base. Increasing your market share, profits, and presence amongst your competition is a must if you want to excel and develop your business on an international level. In order to keep up in a rapidly advancing and ultra competitive market, it’s imperative you enlist the aid of a language service provider who can offer your business language services such as transcreation. Transcreation can help to ensure you’re marketing materials have a fighting chance to appeal to your new and coveted target audience overseas.
Niki’s Int’l Ltd., A Language Service Provider You Can Trust:
Transcreation and localization are language services as well as translation art forms that require a skilled language team and translator that is native to the language, culture and demographic that you’re aiming to entice through marketing translation. The team at Niki’s Int’l Ltd. will ensure your localization project is handled with superior quality, care and accuracy. Their highly skilled translators work side-by-side with professional graphic artists and website designers to create a high quality, user-friendly, impactful website and transcreated marketing campaign that combines your vision with your target market’s local culture and language. A successfully transcreated message and localized website allow your brand and marketing to connect to your target audience on a more personal level. Gaining share in a region and establishing an international presence can be difficult if you don’t have the right people on your side helping you navigate through the cultural and linguistic differences every region has. Partnering with Niki’s Int’l Ltd. can create the potential for new revenue, expand your business and help to cut out your well deserved piece of the global pie.
Niki’s Int’l Ltd. is a WBENC-Certified Women Business Enterprise with 20 years of language service experience. A global network of highly skilled interpreters and translators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for on-site, telephonic and video remote interpretation services. Our linguists are available in over 350 languages and dialects, and our network includes certified interpreters and translators. Our work is guaranteed with a $1 Million Errors & Omissions policy, so that you can be confident that your project will be completed with the highest level of quality and professionalism within the field. For more information contact us at 1-877-567-8449 or visit our website at